Lux Checking


Discover savings doing what you enjoy at your favorite shops, restaurants and attractions all over the country.

Lux Checking Discounts

Members can save up to hundreds of dollars on dining, shopping, traveling and more. Use our mobile app to save on-the-go.

Retail & Restaurant Savings
Get access to a dynamic shopping program which will reward you every time you use it. Find great deals at hundreds of popular merchants and restaurants. Customers will find coupons and free shipping offers from top retailers and brands online. They will also receive discounts in stores and restaurants with mobile or print coupons.

Grocery Coupons
Save on groceries, home and health-care products, pet products, supplies and more from trusted brands at top stores.

Big Savings on Attractions
Save at major theme parks around the country. Plus, save off the box office price by purchasing movie tickets in advance for leading theaters.

Save 10% or more on Select Hotel Chains or More at Hundreds of Locations Nationwide
Whether it’s a weekend getaway or family vacation, use these great discounts to save on your trip planning.

Other Travel Savings
You can save up to 20% on rental cars and even more on cruises and vacation packages, simply by calling the toll-free numbers.

Whether it’s a weekend staycation or your annual family vacation, you can’t afford to let these savings pass you by.

Sign Up for member benefits

Existing Customer

Please have your member ID handy, that was previously mailed to you.

Savings Made Easy

Dine. Shop. Travel. Save!

I was shocked by the amount of money we saved on our last family vacation. We rented a car, stayed at a nice hotel and visited the amusement park, and it cost less than any of our other vacations.

- Sarah Albright

Cellular Telephone Protection

Coverage included with your checking account.

Cell Phone Protection

Phones are easy to break and expensive to replace. Cases are not enough.

This service will reimburse the enrolled accountholder for the damage to or theft of eligible cellular wireless telephones.  Coverage is subject to a fifty dollar co-payment per claim and a maximum of two claims per twelve month period.  The maximum benefit per claim is two hundred and fifty dollars and five hundred dollars per twelve month period.  Other details are provided in the description of coverage.  The cellular telephone bill must be paid out of the eligible account.

Do not leave yourself in a crack, get protection for your cellular phone included with your checking account.

Existing Customer

Please have your member ID handy, that was previously mailed to you.

Cell Phone Protection

Do you have protection for your cell phone?

Smartphones are expensive to repair, and the costs can add up quickly. Cover your cellular phone from breakage or theft.


In life, peace of mind is key. With this feature you can save over $80 a year in benefits that will give you and your family the valuable information about identity theft that you need.

Cyberscout Lifestages

Identity thieves steal mail, skim credit cards, hack into ATMs and rummage through garbage in the search for their next victim. In the blink of an eye, criminals misuse bits and pieces of your personal information to obtain fraudulent credit and make unauthorized purchases.

No matter what stage of life you are in, your identity will always be a prime target for thieves—you may not be aware of it, but the different stages of life put you at risk for different types of identity theft.

Identity thieves are smart. We’re smarter. Just as we rely on technology to make our lives easier, thieves and criminals rely on the same technology to steal personal information and commit fraudulent crimes. Protecting your identity is our priority!

Stay educated.

If you want more identity theft information or think you might be a victim of identity theft, you simply call us at a toll free number and you will be transferred to your personal-touch fraud specialist at CyberScout’s Resolution Center.  There is no added cost to you for these services, no matter how often you talk to a fraud specialist.

Our LifeStages® services focus on education for these different stages of life:

  • For those under 18 – children often have just the right combination for identity thieves: a Social Security number and clean, or nonexistent credit
  • In your 20s – new jobs, new apartments, maybe even a new spouse. It’s easy to lose sight of your identity amid the flurry of fun.
  • In your 30s and 40s – kids, mortgages, car payments. There’s never been so much as stake.
  • In your 50s – Empty nesting, a taste of freedom…and college tuition. Just when things seem to be settling down, new responsibilities and risks kick in.
  • In your 60s and up – whether it’s time for early retirement or running after the grandkids, these can be special years.

During any stage of life our personal fraud specialists will guide you through the resolution process, no matter what your identity issue is, until your problem is fully resolved and your peace of mind is restored.

Existing Customer

Please have your member ID handy, that was previously mailed to you.


No additional enrollment required.

What most people think is private is probably public. Last year, my personal information was stolen and used. I was totally unprepared, and it was a mess to resolve.

- Jeff Manziel